Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just keep knitting, knitting, knitting........

So I have one sleeve on my Rocky Coast cardigan finished and I am about half way through the second one.  I feel like I'm cruising.  I hope I can get this type of momentum going for Paulie.  I have in the meantime knitted a cowl out of some Blick Fang.  I really like the colors.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My current projects and goals...

Currently I have three sweaters on the needles.  I have posted pics of two, the Rocky Coast Cardigan by Hannah Fettig and Paulie by Isabel Kraemer.  Both can be found on

So as of now, I would like to have these two finished by March, if not sooner.  As you can see all that is left of the Rocky coast cardigan is arms, I think I can handle those.  The Paulie has a bit more and seeing how it is fingering weight cotton, having is done my March will be great!

Not pictured with the Flogs cardigan which is coming along slowly.  I do not want to commit myself to having that one finished by March, I just done' think it's obtainable.  And seriously why set myself up.

As for future projects, where to start, just check out my faves at, I'm ulipatchouli and you'll see my dilemma.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Will I really do this?

I have wanted to start this blog for awhile.  So now with a new year, I think I may just give it a shot, who knows maybe I'll learn something new along the way.  My goal is to post my adventures in knitting, letting you see what I'm working on, to tell you changes I have made and how they worked out for me.